A. GormanA. Gorman was born and raised in a small community in Central Indiana. She left the slow moving life of the country for the fast-paced city life. After spending twelve years in the city and becoming a mother to two wild and crazy kids, she chose to move back to the peace and quiet of the country.
As an avid reader, A. never set out to be an author. However, after editing for a client one day, a voice started talking to her and talking and talking. She decided to sit down and write what she had to say, and it turned out she had a lot to say. That one voice turned to two, and another story came to life. Now she’s the proud author of the Their Sins series, Love, With All My Heart, Unwanted Fate, and five short stories with several more series and standalones planned. When she’s not out in the garden, you can find her at her desk writing her next novel with a cup of coffee and classical music cranked up in her headphones. While she loves reading, A. is addicted to all things British, coffee, and gummy bears—in no particular order. Website: http://authoragorman.com A.D. EllisA.D. Ellis is an Indiana girl, born and raised. She spends much of her time in central Indiana teaching alternative education in the inner city of Indianapolis, being a mom to two amazing school-aged children, and laughing at a precocious cat. A lot of her time is also devoted to phone call avoidance and her hatred of cooking.
She loves chocolate, wine, pizza, and naps along with reading and writing romance. These loves don’t leave much time for housework, much to the chagrin of her husband of nearly two decades. Who would pick cleaning the house over a nap or a good book? She uses any extra time to increase her fluency in sarcasm. http://www.adellisauthor.com/ AJ ReneeAJ Renee is the author behind the St. Fleur series, Beauty Unmasked, and Finding Love at the Falls.... She's a military wife and mother to three girls, seven and under. She graduated from the University of Central Florida with her Masters of Science in Criminal Justice and a Bachelors of Science in Psychology while working at the library.
She loves to write steamy romance with suspense and a happily ever after. When she isn't writing or interacting with her readers, you can find her spending time with her family or reading. AJ enjoys traveling, researching family history, and all things New Orleans. www.ajrenee.com Aleatha RomigAleatha Romig is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author who lives in Indiana, USA. She grew up in Mishawaka, graduated from Indiana University, and is currently living south of Indianapolis. Aleatha has raised three children with her high school sweetheart and husband of over thirty years. Before she became a full-time author, she worked days as a dental hygienist and spent her nights writing. Now, when she's not imagining mind-blowing twists and turns, she likes to spend her time with her family and friends. Her other pastimes include reading and creating heroes/anti-heroes who haunt your dreams!
Aleatha released her first novel, CONSEQUENCES, in August of 2011. CONSEQUENCES became a bestselling series with five novels and two companions released from 2011 through 2015. The compelling and epic story of Anthony and Claire Rawlings has graced more than half a million e-readers. Aleatha released the first of her series TALES FROM THE DARK SIDE, INSIDIOUS, in the fall of 2014. These stand-alone thrillers continue Aleatha's twisted style with an increase in heat. In the fall of 2015, Aleatha moved headfirst into the world of dark romantic suspense saga with the release of BETRAYAL, the first of her five-novel INFIDELITY series that has taken the reading world by storm. She also began her traditional publishing career with Thomas and Mercer. Her books INTO THE LIGHT and AWAY FROM THE DARK were published through this mystery/thriller publisher in 2016. In the spring of 2017, Aleatha released her first stand-alone, fun, and sexy romantic comedy PLUS ONE, followed by ONE NIGHT, A SECRET ONE, and ANOTHER ONE. Her range of genres includes two erotic novellas, UNCONVENTIONAL and UNEXPECTED. Aleatha is returning to her dark roots with WEB OF SIN, a new dark romantic trilogy with an all new anti-hero coming October of 2018. Aleatha is a "Published Author's Network" member of the Romance Writers of America and PEN America. She is represented by Kevan Lyon of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency. https://www.aleatharomig.com/ Alison BlissAlison Bliss is a best-selling, award-winning author of humorous, contemporary romances. A born and raised Texan, she currently resides in the Midwest with her husband, two kids, and their dogs. As the youngest of five girls, she has never turned down a challenge or been called by the right name. Alison believes the best way to find out if someone is your soul mate is by canoeing with them because if you both make it back alive, it's obviously meant to be. She writes the type of books she loves to read most: fun, steamy love stories with heart, heat, and laughter. Something she likes to call, "Romance...with a sense of humor."
http://authoralisonbliss.com Aly GradyAly Grady is New England born but for more than the past twelve years has enjoyed living in the Indianapolis area. Aly enjoys time spent with her two children and their busy lives, reading books by her favorite authors, watching IndyCar racing to look for her husband and traveling. The latest addition to the Grady household is their Labradoodle Cody who is a Fozzie Bear look-a-like. Aly has firsthand knowledge of the racing industry because she is a racing widow. Aly took the challenge by her husband to write a book and created “The Racer’s Widow” which was released November, 2012. “Chasing The Dream” followed in 2013 and "Taking A Chance" rounded out the series in 2014.
Alygradybooks.com/ Anna HagueIn my professional career, I’m a sports writer. I found myself scribbling notes, paragraphs and dialog for the stories in my head between innings of baseball games, cautions during IndyCar races, or halftime breaks of other events. I decided to gather all of scribblings and join a writers’ group. From that point, I began to work seriously on a manuscript, and with the help and support of the Indiana RWA, I published my debut novel Captured Hearts in November 2016. It is a contemporary romance, but I find myself attracted to many types of romance, historical, suspense, and even some erotic. My next novel Appearances will be available in July at WOTR. While Captured Hearts is a more serious story, Appearances has humor, suspense, and the coming together of two completely different personalities. Some of my love for sports appears in Appearances.
When not writing, I spend time with my husband who is very supportive of my endeavors. We are native Hoosiers from Indiana, but have lived all over the U.S. and are currently back home again. We’ve hosted eleven foreign exchange students and visited several of them in their home countries. Though we have no children of our own, we do have a menagerie of parrots, and a dog. Both my husband and I love sports, especially auto racing. We live in central Indiana, but travel frequently. One of my favorite places is downtown Chicago where I dream about having a weekend place overlooking Lake Michigan. www.annahague.com Anya BretonAnya Breton is a web monkey with an obsession for nail polish and rubber chickens. Her fears include Peeps and people who hate clowns. She lives in the Midwest where land is cheap and corn is cheaper.
www.anyabreton.com Aspen WintersAspen Winters is from Bettendorf, Iowa. She has a slight obsession with stingrays and anything that has to do with chocolate and wine. On the days she isn't working her day job, she is either typing or is letting her artistic side out by painting or doing any other art project she has set her mind too. She has many books planned out and can't wait to share them.
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/aspenwinterauthor Beverly OvalleBeverly Ovalle dabbled with writing on and off for years when her best friend finally dared her to submit a story to a writing contest. Beverly decided she had nothing to lose and since she’d always wanted to be an author sent it in and agonized for months waiting to hear back. Contract in hand she has never looked back.
Beverly has been obsessed with dragons and romance since she was a young girl, collecting dragon books and reading everything she could find on them even down to the care of real life dragons. She’s always been slightly panicked that the world as we know it will end, so has prepped for it, haunting survivalist pages and prepper projects she felt she needed in the event SHTF. An avid fan of all romance, Beverly’s goal is to share her love of the written word and write the hot and erotic romances that she enjoys. She writes what she loves to read and it was only a matter of time before her obsessions crept into her writing for her to share. She hopes you enjoy her tales as much as she loves writing them. A Navy Veteran, Beverly has traveled around the world and the United States enabling her to bring her settings to life, meeting and marrying her husband of twenty eight years along the way for her own romance. Reading romances since the fourth grade she’s followed as the genre changed and spread into the vast cornucopia of romance offered today. Website: www.beverlyovalle.com Brandy SlavenGeorgia born and raised, now residing in the great state of Tennessee, a true southern girl at heart. I have a wonderful supportive husband who, no lie, I honestly believe is my soul-mate. My two wild children consists of an 11 year old mini ball player and 5 year old little princess. We can't forget about my fur baby, Primrose.
Normally glued to a screen writing, when I need a break you can find me hiking with the hubs at one of the many state parks, or if we have a long weekend, at the beach or in the mountains. I love all kinds of music and movies. I must say most of my favorites lists on both consist mostly of 80's stuff. My favorite hobby is and will always be reading. I read every genre, but I am definitely a post-apocalyptic and paranormal freak. You'll more than likely find me biting into a vampire novel or devouring a zombie book. https://www.authorbrandyslaven.com/ Brittany HollandAuthor Brittany Holland is a leggings wearing, Starbucks drinking, Spotify addicted, self-proclaimed book nerd. Her love of reading and an active imagination inspired her to pursue her dream of writing. She pens intense contemporary romance blending chemistry, suspense and wit.
Brittany lives in the Midwest with her husband and their 2 children. When she's not creating worlds on the page she enjoys traveling, catching up on her favorite TV shows and photography Britni HillBritni Hill is an author, with books ranging from new adult to contemporary romance. She spends her days as a hair stylist, and her nights with the characters in her head striving to write real, page turning romance.
Britni lives in Indiana where she was born and raised. She has a rescue pup she adores and an unhealthy love of binge-watching cheesy, teenage dramas. If she isn’t writing, she’s probably reading or watching horror flicks. Website: www.britnihillbooks.com C.A. HarmsAuthor C.A. Harms is like any other addicted reader.
I enjoy happy endings in my love stories. Loving those scenes that give it the needed angst and heat to keep you hooked and wanting more. Just enough drama to make her heart race and your stomach flutter. I haven't always been a lover of Romance and had once been addicted to a good Mystery. Just recently I have taken on a new liking and now I am addicted to Romance Novel. I am a Limitless Publishing Author and love sharing my stories with my great fans. Feedback is great and I really enjoy interacting with my readers. I live in Illinois and enjoy spending time with my husband and two children. You will always find me with my kindle or paperback in hand as it is my favorite pass time. And I never leave home without a small notebook. You never know when an idea for a new story will strike. http://authorharms.blogspot.com/ C.A. SzarekUSA Today Bestselling, award winning author of romantic suspense and epic fantasy romance, C.A. loves to dabble in different genres. If it’s a good story, she’ll write it, no matter where it seems to fit!
She’s a hopeless romantic and always will be. Risking it all for Happily Ever After is what she lives by! She’s originally from Ohio, but got to Texas as soon as she could. She’s happily married and has a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. She works with kids when she’s not writing. Chrissy also offers editing services to other authors! http://www.caszarek.com/ CC DragonA loyal Chicago girl who loves deep dish pizza, the Cubs, and the Lake, CC Dragon is fascinated by mysteries, sleuthing, as well as the supernatural.
CC loves creating characters, especially amateur sleuths who solve crimes in their spare time. A coffee and chocolate addict who loves finding cool swag items to give away, she’s still looking for a hero who likes to cook and clean…so she can write more! Note: CC Dragon's stuff is all PG-13 clean cozy mysteries... PS: She also writes hot stuff as Cheryl Dragon http://ccdragon.com C.J. BatyCJ Baty lives with her very patient husband and two encouraging adult children. The recent move to include a second home in Tennessee has fulfilled one of her life long dreams. The mountains have always provided her with inspiration and a soothing balm to the stresses of everyday life.
The dream of writing her own stories started in high school but was left on the back burner of life until her son introduced her to Fan Fiction and encouraged her to give it a try. She found that her passion for telling a story was still there and writing them down to share with others was much more thrilling than she had ever expected. Publishing her own stories has been a highlight in her life. It just goes to prove, you are never too old to follow your dreams! www.cjbaty.blogspot.com C.M. SteeleC.M. Steele lives for writing what she likes to read. With over 60+ short stories and a couple actual novels, she is only just beginning. She is most definitely not for everyone, but she does love her readers. Working on improving her craft is a monumental task because she has the attention span of a gnat and the patience of a race car driver in Walmart (Absolutely none.) She's also ventured away from the romance world and into the crime fiction world under Chris Farmer.
Check out her works on her website www.cmsteele.com Cary HartCary Hart hails from the Midwest. A sassy, coffee drinking, sometimes sailor swearing, Spotify addict, lover of all things books!
When not pushing women down the stairs in the fictional world, Cary has her hands full. Soccer mom in all sense of the word to two wild and crazy, spoiled kiddos, and wife to the most supportive husband. In addition to writing full time, she enjoys binge watching Netflix, laying around in her hammock and baking up cookies for her family and friends. Cary writes real, raw romance! In her stories the characters deal with life’s everyday struggles and unwanted drama, they talk about the ugly and they become the broken. Everyone deserves a happy ending, but sometimes before you can appreciate the light, there has to be darkness. Growing up, if someone would have told her she would become a writer, she wouldn’t have believed them. It wasn’t until she got her hands on her first romance novel, that the passion grew. Now she couldn’t imagine her life any other way -she’s living her dream. http://www.authorcaryhart.com/ Clara Stone
Clara Stone writes YA/NA Contemporary Romance and Paranormal Romance stories and is a complete sucker for sweet, memorable kisses. She strongly believes that true love conquers EVERYTHING, along with a tub of Ice cream! When she isn't reading or writing or dancing, much to the embarrassment of her husband and two kids, she's probably watching Supernatural and The Walking Dead. So, if she sounds like your cup of syrup to your pancakes (or waffles... no favorites here), then be sure to follow her along on social media! Join her tribe to get exclusive chances to win random giveaways!
Website: http://authorclarastone.com/ Dahlia DonovanDahlia Donovan wrote her first romance series after a crazy dream about shifters and damsels in distress. She prefers irreverent humour and unconventional characters. An autistic and occasional hermit, her life wouldn’t be complete without her husband and her massive collection of books and video games.
https://dahliadonovan.com/ Dakota TraceDakota is a simple Midwest girl, who has found her passion in storytelling at a young age. Her father always said she made up the craziest stories. Most remained unwritten though as writing wasn’t Dakota’s strong suit. That all changed in junior high when she took her first typing class. Problem solved for the dyslexic Dakota. There was no stopping her after that. She wrote her first novel her freshman year about a girl who could speak to animals on an old electric IBM typewriter her dad found at a garage sale. Now writing in several different genres, she is a published author with multiple books under her belt. When she isn’t writing, she’s the crazy mom of three teenagers and one slightly neurotic pup.
Dawn BrowerUSA TODAY Bestselling author, DAWN BROWER writes both historical and contemporary romance. There are always stories inside her head; she just never thought she could make them come to life. That creativity has finally found an outlet.
Growing up she was the only girl out of six children. She is a single mother of two teenage boys; there is never a dull moment in her life. Reading books is her favorite hobby and she loves all genres. For more information about upcoming releases or to contact Dawn Brower go to her website:authordawnbrower.com |
Derek MastersBorn in Overland Park, KS but now resides in Kansas City, MO. Writing became his passion early in life, starting as soon as he knew how to put pencil to paper.
He's a music fanatic, so when he isn't writing, he can be found at concerts or anywhere live music is playing. He also enjoys watching hockey games at his favorite sports bars and hanging out at the park with his dog, bully. www.derekmasters.com Daryl BannerDaryl Banner is an author and composer who graduated magna cum laude from the University of Houston Honors College with a degree in both Theatre and Psychology. During his time in college, he wrote, composed, and produced a musical under Tony Award-winning musical and Theatre producer Stuart Ostrow, as well as two original plays produced under the mentorship of Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Lanford Wilson, who also mentored Daryl through the writing of his very first novel. In addition to new adult and M/M romance, Daryl also writes post-apocalyptic fantasy as well as dystopian. He is most inspired by the smart and unlikely hero, but urges you (the reader) not to fall in love with them; they may deceive you with their innocence.
https://www.darylbanner.com E.M. ShueWriter, wife, and mother of three girls. E.M. Shue likes her whiskey Irish, her chocolate dark and her hockey hard hitting. She is an avid reader, and you can find her Kindle packed full of all sub-genres of romance. When she isn’t writing action-adventure and strong woman she’s spending time with her husband and two girls that still live at home.
She’s currently writing the hot and steamy romantic suspense series Securities International. Her first book in the series Sniper’s Kiss was a winner in the Colorado RWA Beverley contest. She has started a new paranormal series that she hopes to publish in 2019. E.M.’s favorite saying is don’t piss her off she’ll write you into a book and kill you off in a new and gory way. https://authoremshue.com/ Elena M. ReyesElena M. Reyes was born and raised in Miami Florida. She is the epitome of a Floridian and if she could live in her beloved flip-flops, she would.
As a small child, she was always intrigued with all forms of art—whether it was dancing to island rhythms, or painting with any medium she could get her hands on. Her first taste of writing came to her during her fifth grade year when her class was prompted to participate in the D. A. R. E. Program and write an essay on what they’d learned. Her passion for reading over the years has amassed her with hours of pleasure. It wasn't until she stumbled upon fanfiction that her thirst to write overtook her world. She now resides in Central Florida with her husband and son, spending all her down time letting her creativity flow and letting her characters grow. FB: https://www.facebook.com/Elena-M-Reyes-595337763817997/timeline/ Ellis LeighA storyteller from the time she could talk, USA Today bestselling author Ellis Leigh grew up among family legends of hauntings, psychics, and love spanning decades. Those stories didn’t always have the happiest of endings, so they inspired her to write about real life, real love, and the difficulties therein. From farmers to werewolves, store clerks to witches—if there’s love to be found, she’ll write about it. Ellis lives in the Chicago area with her husband, daughters, and a German Shepherd that refuses to leave her side.When not dabbling in the paranormal realms, Ellis can be found taking her suspense into the contemporary world as Kristin Harte.
http://www.ellisleigh.com http://www.kristinharte.com Elissa DayeElissa Daye was born in Southern Illinois. She studied to be a teacher at Illinois State University and graduated in 1999 with a B.S. in Education. Elissa taught for 7 years in a range of ages from Kindergarten to Middle School, but found that her passion to write was calling to her. Now, she has the best job as a full time mom and author.
www.elissadaye.com Emily PearsonI suppose you want to hear about how Emily enjoys long walks on the beach, a nice glass of wine, and wants a man with... Oh wait. This isn't her dating profile. *Ahem* I will start again. When Emily isn't nose deep in her latest and greatest writing adventure or in over her head with her spitfire daughter; you'll find her emerged in the latest book to catch her eye. She doesn't judge, she reads it all and hungers for more. She has been declared a Pinterest queen by some, and is one of the few people you'll ever meet to actually pull off those easy looking recipes; the ones that the rest of us burn.
http://www.emilyrpearson.com/blog Emma ShadeEmma lives in Indiana with her husband and three adorable cats. She has a Fine Art & Design degree in Visual Communications and Photography. When she’s not busy writing her next novel or taking photographs, Emma enjoys spending time with friends, listening to music, and curling up with a good book.
www.emmashadeauthor.com Genevieve JackUSA Today bestselling author Genevieve Jack writes weird, witty, and wicked-hot paranormal romance and fantasy. Coffee and wine are her biofuel, the love lives of witches, shifters, and vampires her favorite topic of conversation. She harbors a passion for old cemeteries and ghost tours, thanks to her years at a high school rumored to be haunted. Although she calls the Midwest home, her heart belongs to the beaches of the Southeast, where she spends her days with her laptop and one lazy dog.
GenevieveJack.com H. D'AgostinoHeather D’Agostino is an avid reader turned Bestselling Author of the Contemporary Romance Series The Broken Series, The Shattered Series, The Second Chances Series, The Cook Brothers Series, and Romantic Suspense series The Witness Series.
She attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte where she received a Bachelor’s of Arts in Elementary Education with a minor in Mathematics. She currently lives in Central New York with her husband, two children, two dogs, and three cats. When she’s not writing she can usually be found at the dance studio, soccer field, or one of the many other places that she plays ‘Supermom’. http://hdagostinobooks.weebly.com HArley EastonHarley Easton is a Renaissance woman dabbling in everything life offers. She's worked at a theme park, found expert witnesses, guest lectured at a national museum, and worked with medical students. Putting experience and insanity to good use, she's found my favorite job, writing. Now she specializes in erotic, romantic, and speculative fiction, writing and editing for small press publishers like Sexy Little Pages (Love of the Game, Inked, Ticket to Ride), and Sin Cyr Publishing (Getting It, Owning It), and the author collaborative group The StoryPenners (Melt, Haunt). Who knows what kind of trouble she'll get into next. Find out at www.harleyeaston.com
j. leigh baileyj. leigh bailey is an office drone by day and the author of Young Adult and New Adult LGBT Romance by night. She can usually be found with her nose in a book or pressed up against her computer monitor. A book-a-day reading habit sometimes gets in the way of... well, everything...but some habits aren't worth breaking. She's been reading romance novels since she was ten years old, and the last twenty years or so have not changed her voracious appetite for stories of romance, relationships and achieving that vitally important Happy Ever After. She's a firm believer that everyone, no matter their gender, age, sexual orientation or paranormal affiliation deserves a happy ending. For upcoming releases and appearances information, sign up for her newsletter at https://t.co/FfL9gFVJLQ
J.M. WalkerJ.M. Walker is an Amazon bestselling author who loves all things books, pigs and lip gloss. She is happily married to the man who inspires all of her Heroes and continues to make her weak in the knees every single day.
"Above all, be the HEROINE of your own life..." ~ Nora Ephron http://jmwalkerauthor.blogspot.com Jane CharlesUSA Today Bestselling Author Jane Charles lives in the Midwest with her former marine, police officer husband. As a child she would more likely be found outside with a baseball than a book in her hand, until one day, out of boredom on a long road trip, she borrowed her sister’s romance novel and fell in love. Her life is filled with three amazing children, two dogs, two cats, community theatre, and traveling whenever possible. Jane may have begun her career writing romances set in the Regency era, but blames being a Gemini as to why she’s equally pulled toward writing Contemporary/New Adult as well as Historical romances.
http://www.janecharlesauthor.com/ Jenna JacobBestselling author, Jenna Jacob paints a canvas of passion, romance, and humor as her Alpha men and the feisty women who love them unravel their souls, heal their scars, and find a happy ever after kind of love. Heart-tugging, captivating, and steamy, Jenna’s books will surely leave you breathless and craving more.
A mom of four grown children, Jenna and her Alpha-Hunk-husband live in Kansas. She loves books, Harleys, music, and camping. Jenna’s zany sense of humor and lack of filter exemplify her motto: Live. Laugh. Love. www.jennajacob.com JEnnifer DAnielsHello! I’m Jennifer Daniels, I live in Upstate NY with my husband, son and dog Kera. I worked in healthcare for more than twenty years when my arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis made this no longer possible. One day I picked up my computer and started to write, the next thing I knew Opalla was born. I’m a paranormal, fantasy junkie, and I love to read and watch most things in that genre. But, I must admit, I’m also a huge Hallmark Channel binge watcher.
https://authorjenniferdani.wixsite.com/authorjendaniels Jennifer LaslieJennifer Laslie is a crazy cat lady who lives in Louisville, KY with her wonderful husband and two children. When she's not thinking about cheesecake or cats, she can be found in the bookstore in the Young Adult section, coffee in hand.
Website: http://authorjlaslie.com Jillian JAcobsJillian Jacobs writes: Paranormal and Contemporary with suspenseful elements.
She is one of the co-founders of Healing with Words—a not for profit agency established for healing survivors of abuse, addiction, trafficking, and prostitution. The mission is to bring together readers, authors, and survivors in a positive manner that affects change and relief from negative influences. She is a Tea Guzzler, Polish Pottery Hoarder, and lover of all things Moose. www.jillianjacobs.com Jolanthe AleksanderJolanthe is a Marine Corps Brat and proud of it. The nomadic life of the military helped develop her love of reading and books became her friend.
A dancer, Jolanthe appeared in several productions in high school and later in the area theatres. She gave up her role of dancer/actress for her greatest role to date, that of Mother to a son who reminds her every day to find joy in the simplest of things and to use her imagination. Missing the stage, and at the prompting of some on-line friends, Jolanthe gave rp-ing with an internet group a try. There she found and developed her skill as a writer. When not working, writing, or keeping up with her son, Jolanthe can be found scouring antique shops, used bookstores, and of course, reading. http://eclecticbardbooks.com/jolanthe/ Juls BerghammerAt 14, Juls was given a Harlequin Presents romance novel and thus began a love affair of romance novels that 38 years later is still going strong. Having devoured thousands of romances, Juls decided it was time to start writing her own. A short stint of writing begun in the late 80’s, was shelved to make way for a family and a horse farm. The kids are grown and the horse farm is closed and with time on her hands, Juls began to write short stories as a way to fill up her days off at her day job as a hairstylist, and ideas for full length novels began swirling in her head.
With plans for a contemporary romance series set in the horse industry, (not just rodeo and ranches) called “The Equestrians”, a paranormal series with steampunk elements, called “The Dark Carnival”, a dystopian series called “Off Grid”, and an urban fantasy series to be named later, and a Civil War Historical romance, Juls will be busy for quite some time, with the goal of retiring from her day job. Juls lives in central Wisconsin on an 80 acre farm of woods and marsh, where the turkeys an deer walk through her front yard every day, and the humming birds dive bomb her husband. Branded Passion, Heart & Soul Website https://www.julsberghammer.wordpress.com K.I. LynnK.I. Lynn is the USA Today Bestselling Author from The Bend Anthology and the Amazon Bestselling Series, Breach. She spent her life in the arts, everything from music to painting and ceramics, then to writing. Characters have always run around in her head, acting out their stories, but it wasn't until later in life she would put them to pen. It would turn out to be the one thing she was really passionate about.
Since she began posting stories online, she's garnered acclaim for her diverse stories and hard hitting writing style. Two stories and characters are never the same, her brain moving through different ideas faster than she can write them down as it also plots its quest for world domination...or cheese. Whichever is easier to obtain... Usually it's cheese. http://kilynnwrites.blogspot.com Kate RothPublished since 2012, Kate Roth is addicted to all things romance. Her passion for love stories, both traditional and unconventional, has led her to write in various sub-genres of romance including New Adult, Paranormal and Erotica. Kate is inspired by everything from music to the real-life romance tales she's heard through her years as a professional hair stylist.
Kate spends her time away from the keyboard with her insta-love husband, her sweet son and faithful pound puppy. www.katerothwrites.com Krystle AbleKrystle Able grew up and still lives in Central Illinois with her husband, three children, and dog. She knew she wanted to be a writer when she won a bookmaking contest in summer daycare when she was 9 years old. After 10+ years in retail management, Krystle took the plunge into writing full time in 2015 when she and her husband began a content writing company called Typedit.
Krystle enjoys being a multi-genre author with releases planned in the romance, thriller, contemporary fiction, fantasy and paranormal genres. Always a reader first, Krystle's favorite hobbies include supporting and cultivating relationships with the self and small press publishing world and talking about literature. She is currently finishing her BA in English Literature at the University of Illinois Springfield. https://www.krystleable.com/ Kyleigh CastronaroKyleigh Castronaro lives in southwestern Ontario, Canada with her husband, son and two dachshunds. When she's not writing, she designs covers and other graphics for her fellow authors. She loves being creative and is always on the lookout for a new outlet. You can follow her on social media (Facebook and Instagram) or join her reader group - The Ever After where writers converge to celebrate happily ever afters.
www.kyleighcastronaro.site Lacey BlackLacey Black is the author of the Best Selling Contemporary Romance Rivers Edge series! She is currently working on her first erotic romance novel, as well as a romantic suspense trilogy. Lacey enjoys anything chocolate and reading. And she should only consume minimal alcoholic drinks because she's a lightweight!
https://laceyblack.wordpress.com |
Lisa CavinessLisa Caviness lives in a suburb north of Indianapolis, IN with her husband and three children. Mysteries and thriller novels are her constant companions when she’s not working with her husband on their entrepreneurial pursuits, performing mom duties or writing her own romantic suspense novels. She is a former nurse, pharmaceutical clinical trials manager, and medical policy analyst. Her debut romantic suspense novel will be published in Fall 2015. http://www.lisacavinessauthor.com
Lynda J. CoxLynda J. Cox will tell anyone who will listen that she was born at least one hundred and fifty years too late, and most definitely in the wrong part of the country. Short of inventing a time machine to travel back to the Old West, she’s made herself content with writing about those “knights of the plains.” She holds a master’s degree in English with a concentration in creative writing from Indiana State University after earning her BA from the same university as a non-traditional student. (Think being old enough to be mom to 90% of the students in her freshman cadre.) She’s kept busy with two spoiled rotten house cats, a 30 plus year old Arabian gelding who has been nicknamed “Lazarus” for his ability in the later years of his life to escape death, and quite a few champion collies. When she isn’t writing, she can be found on the road, travelling to the next dog show. She loves to chat about books, the writing life, and the insanity which is called a “dog show” and can be reached through her Facebook page.
https://www.facebook.com/lyndajcox Lyssa LayneLyssa Layne is first, and foremost, the proud momma to her precious daughter, AR. In addition to working full-time and being a mommy to AR, she is also an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan, a runner, blogger, and an infertility survivor.
Having watched one too many medical dramas and being inspired by author Rachelle Ayala, who introduced her to the world of indie writing, Lyssa decided to try her hand at writing a romance story. Her attempt turned into the Burning Lovesick series. You can find Lyssa's own interests throughout her stories although all stories are fictional. www.lyssalayne.com Marie PiperMARIE PIPER is a graduate of Michigan State University, a former actor/director, and a lover of stories. The steamy western trilogy, FIRES OF CRICKET BEND, is available from Limitless Publishing. The five-part mystery/romance serial, MAIDENS & MONSTERS, can be found via Amazon. Marie's short stories can be found in collections from Prairie Rose Publications, NineStar Press, House of Erotica, World Weaver Press, Riverdale Ave Books, and LoveSlave. Marie lives in Chicago, where she goes on lots of adventures with her zany family, reads everything she can get her hands on, loves visiting all the museums Chicago has to offer, and tweets too much. Find her on Twitter/Instagram at @mariepiperbooks and say hi!
http://www.mariepiper.com/ Mary MartelMary Martel was born in West Michigan and spent most of her life there. She currently resides in North Dakota with her two daughters and her husband. She loves reading, zombies, mermaids, and all forms of art.
https://marymartel.wordpress.com Melanie JayneM. Jayne/Melanie Jayne has the best life. She spends her days chatting with feisty females, waking up to sexy men, eating chocolate and wearing pajamas. Her books predominantly feature characters over the age of thirty-five, facing life head-on. They are woman-positive and advocate empowerment. She writes about the world that she lives in and collects many of her ideas from her friend’s lives and daytime TV.
She lives a quiet life on a grain farm in central Indiana with her very patient husband and their two mastiffs, Ginger and Duncan Keith. She has been employed in retail management, managed a federal courtroom, worked behind the scenes in a casino. By her own admission, she has an inquisitive mind and gets bored easily. M.J. is an active member of the IRWA Chapter, an avid Reader/Author Conference Attendee, and Romance Reader. She is so grateful to the many authors and bloggers who have so generously supported her career and she, in turn, is giving back to new and aspiring writers. www.ReadMelanieJayne Michel PrinceMichel Prince is an author who graduated with a bachelor degree in History and Political Science. Michel writes new adult and adult paranormal romance as well as contemporary romance.
With characters yelling "It's my turn damn it!!!" She tries to explain to them that alas, she can only type a hundred and twenty words a minute and they will have wait their turn. She knows eventually they find their way out of her head and to her fingertips and she looks forward to sharing them with you. When Michel can suppress the voices in her head she can be found cheering for her son in a variety of sports. She would like to thank her family for always being in her corner and especially her husband for supporting her every dream and never letting her give up. Michel has been awarded Elite Status with Rebel Ink Press in 2013, the service award for her local RWA chapter Midwest Fiction Writers in 2013 and 2014, won Sweetest Romance at IRAE 2015 and is a PAN member of RWA. She lives in the Twin Cities with her husband, son, and dog, Bolt. Michel Prince Love doesn't color inside the lines. Writer of Chrysalis Winner of the 2015 Sweetest Romance at IRAE www.MichelPrinceBooks.com Michele ShriverMichele Shriver is a National and International best-selling author of women’s fiction and contemporary romance. Her books feature flawed-but-likeable characters in real-life settings. She’s not afraid to break the rules, but never stops believing in happily ever after. Michele counts among her favorite things a good glass of wine, a hockey game, and a sweet and sexy book boyfriend, not necessarily in that order.
http://www.micheleshriver.com Miranda LynnMother to two boys, 3 four legged babies, and wife to a loving husband who doesn't mind the extra voices in her head. Miranda grew up on a dairy farm in Illinois, but calls Portland, TN home now. She is an avid reader, coffee addict, and loves creating her own worlds, characters, and stories for her readers.
http://www.mirandalynn.com Miranda ShanklinMiranda Shanklin resides in Central Illinois with her husband and their two children. When she is not working at her day job as a paralegal, running her children to practices or supporting them at events she is writing. She has been an avid reader most of her life and has always dreamed of writing her own books someday. Now that her children are reaching their teenage years she is finding the time to sit down and chase her dream.
www.mirandashanklin.com R.K. GleasonI was born high in the Andes and raised by a band of wandering gypsies. At the ripe old age of 7, I struck out on my own, dabbling in the arts of alchemy and personal financing. Neither of the trades paid off. At 13 I became the personal juggler for Stephen King, but alas, that didn't last long either. Since then, I've wandered aimlessly through life and this planet, stopping along the way to help people and smite the wicked.A little while ago I decided to try my hand at writing. I published The True Death series independently for The True Death and The Vengeful Death but was recently picked up and published by Love N Books.
http://www.rkgleason.net/ Savannah VerteA lifelong lover of words and reading, Savannah Verte hasn’t quite figured out what she wants to write when she grows up. Born and raised in the upper Midwest, Savannah’s gypsy spirit and never quit attitude keep her busy and seldom idle. For so many reasons, Savannah considers herself a ‘Contemporary Vagabond’ when it comes to writing and hopes others find her diverse offerings as enjoyable to read as they are to write. Her first release in decades, Viva Zapata & the Magic 8-Ball began the current journey August 1, 2015. Her short story, What they didn’t know, was featured in the January/February BTS magazine, and she co-authored a paranormal piece, Kingdoms Fall, which came out in early 2016. Her next two solo ventures, the first two books in The Custos series -Book of Time & Book of Change released August 6th. She’s now working on her competition piece, Chasing Daylight for Cherry Adair’s Finish the Damn Book Challenge, Immortal Alchemy for an upcoming anthology, and an untitled piece for a charity anthology for JARM. There is a long list of titles to come after those are done too.
As the primary owner and driving force behind Eclectic Bard Books she considers herself immensely fortunate to see writing from varied perspectives as she endeavors to publish the authors rostered there. Working with other writers, Savannah gets to expand her horizons every day as someone brings a new idea to the table and the brainstorming begins. There is something addictive about the creative process for her and helping other authors embrace their dreams make hers a reality daily. That’s the official Savannah, the unofficial version is just a girl who loves experiencing life with every twist and turn it takes. When she was born, she had such fine, light hair that her mother used to tape bows to her head so people would know she was a girl. She’s had a host of crazy unrelated jobs- everything from cake decorator, dry cleaner, and insurance agent to Emergency Room assistant, bartender, crime lab tech and bouncer. Savannah loves air hockey but completely sucks at it. She loves good jazz, good scotch, and antiques but also old rock, a quiet tea, and a tidy home. She’s completely technology impaired and can get it after she’s broken the computer or done it ass-backwards a few times… Thank Gods that there are some amazing meme creators that let her pilfer images or she’d be lost. Lime green is her color, the rhinoceros is her logo & philosophy, and she’s completely mad about seeing new authors try. Follow along on her webpage My Revolution: www.savannahverte.com Shyla ColtShyla Colt grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, but has lived a variety of different places thanks to her wanderlust, interesting careers, and marriage to a United States Marine. She's always loved books and wrote her very first novel at the age of fifteen. She keeps a copy of her first submission letter on her desk for inspiration.
After a lifetime of traveling, she settled down and knew her time had come to write. Diving into her new career like she does everything else, with enthusiasm, research and a lot of prayers, she had her first book published in June of 2011. As a full-time writer, stay at home mother, and wife, there's never a dull moment in her household. She weaves her tales in spare moments and the evenings with a cup of coffee or tea at her side and the characters in her head for company. A self-professed rebel with a pen. Her goal is to diversify romance as she continues to genre hop, and offer up strong female characters. You can interact with Shyla Colt online via her website www.shylacolt.com Suzan TisdaleUSA Today Bestselling Author, storyteller and cheeky wench, SUZAN TISDALE lives in the Midwest with her verra handsome carpenter husband. All but one of her children have left the nest. Her pets consist of dust bunnies and a dozen poodle-sized, backyard-dwelling groundhogs - all of which run as free and unrestrained as the voices in her head. And she doesn't own a single pair of yoga pants, much to the shock and horror of her fellow authors. She prefers to write in her pajamas.
Suzan writes Scottish historical romance/fiction, with honorable and perfectly imperfect heroes and strong, feisty heroines. And bad guys she kills off in delightfully wicked ways. She published her first novel, Laiden's Daughter, in December, 2011, as a gift for her mother. That one book started a journey which has led to fifteen published titles, with two more being released in the spring of 2017. To date, she has sold more than 350,000 copies of her books around the world. They have been translated into four foreign languages (Italian, French, German, and Spanish.) You will find her books in digital, paperback, and audiobook formats. www.suzantisdale.com T.C. WintersT.C. (Tia Catalina) owned a small business in the real estate industry for decades before deciding a change was required to preserve her sense of humor. She joined the Indiana chapter of the Romance Writers of America and the Speed City Sisters in Crime where she spent years studying the writing craft, specializing in humor and suspense.
She is a resident of central Indiana. Enjoys cooking and gardening. Her other loves include animals and canned cheese. Don't judge! Website: http://www.tcwinters.com T.M. CromerT.M. Cromer loves to craft wildly entertaining stories designed to keep you glued to your seat, turning the pages to find out what the heck happens next. She specializes in kickass heroines and the men who adore them. Genres she has tackled include contemporary, romantic suspense, and paranormal romance.
While originally from New Jersey, T.M. spent most of her growing up years in a small beach town located in northeast Florida. Currently, you can find her hunched over her keyboard in a small town in central Illinois, working on her epic Thorne Witches series. When she isn't writing, she's at the beck and call of her fuzzy soulmate, Tinkerbell. To receive text alerts for updates on current releases, text TMCBOOKS to 24587. Want to stay up to date on what's happening in the world of T.M. Cromer? Sign up for her mailing list at www.tmcromer.com Teresa GabelmanTeresa Gabelman is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the 'Protectors Series'. When not writing about sexy alpha vampires and the women who drive them crazy she can be found on a lake with a fishing pole/Kindle, at a MMA event or spending a fun evening with family.
www.teresagabelman.com Tricia AndersenTricia Andersen lives in Iowa with her husband and her three children. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts in English and from Kirkwood Community College with an Associate of Arts degree in Communications Media/Public Relations.
For the past five years, Tricia has been a member of Hard Drive Performance Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, an affiliate of Roufusport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has experience in kickboxing and currently trains in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Even though she has never competed in an MMA cage, she’s witnessed and been a part of a fighter’s journey from fight camp to their walk to the cage. She also has competed in jiu jitsu. http://www.triciaandersen.com/ Valerie TwomblyAward winning and bestselling author Valerie Twombly grew up watching Dark Shadows over her mother’s shoulder, and from there her love of the fanged creatures blossomed. Today, Valerie has decided to take her darker, sensual side and put it to paper. When she is not busy creating a world full of steamy, hot men and strong, seductive women, she juggles her time between a full-time job, hubby and her two German shepherd dogs, in Northern IL. Valerie is a member of Romance Writers of America and Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Romance Writers
http://www.valerietwombly.com Vivian WardVivian Ward is a romance author from St. Louis, Missouri. She pens dark and dirty stories about alpha heroes and strong heroines with emotional HEAs. Vivian is happily married to her real-life Prince Charming who is also her best friend. One of her guilty pleasures is reading and writing smut while indulging in chocolate caramel candies.
Sign up for Vivian's newsletter to take advantage of sneak peeks, giveaways, special offers. http://newsletter.authorvivianward.com |